34S 608B


34S 608B3182 Private (See Notes) Fageol Twin Coach 34S6/471965RETIREDM124 to New Westminster Garage M950, ret to OTC as M124. to NW as M945. re# 5945. to OTC as 3182 1965:Donated to St. Georges School. Cambie shops painted coach orange with black striping and lettering (mt);


M124 British Columbia Elec. Ry (BC) Assigned to Vancouver
M124 British Columbia Elec. Ry (BC) to New Westminster M950
M950 British Columbia Elec. Ry (BC) To Vancouver M124
M124 British Columbia Elec. Ry (BC) to New Westminster M945
M945 British Columbia Elec. Ry (BC) Xfered to BC Hydro & Power Authority 62/4
M945 BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) renumbered 1964
5945 BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) To Oakridge as 3182
3182 BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) to Private (See Notes) as 3182 1965

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